Friday, May 23, 2008

True Freedom- A Proper Perspective Of The Law

The ethos of our society today is one that was radically shaped by the “freedom movement” of the late sixties and seventies, characterized at least in part for its lack of moral constraints. It was the “free love” era that would not be controlled or constrained by a perceived moral standard. It was a movement all about freedom and anarchy against the established system of law and morality under the banner of love and peace. But is it true freedom to be free from law and authority? How long would a little child last in the world if free from the counsel and protection of their parent’s authority? I don’t think that law and authority are bad, but perhaps our understanding of them is and the way that we have seen them modelled. For instance God’s law in the Holy Bible is a law of liberty not one of oppression. Dr. J. Douma in his book, The Ten Commandments says, “For its growth, a fish is limited to water, its proper element. Similarly, people are free- like a fish in water and a bird in the air- only when they listen (and keep) to God’s law.” This of course is impossible apart from God's grace, but that is no fault of the Law. The Law promises us freedom--the kind of freedom that God enjoys in His holy Self; the kind of freedom that a fish enjoys darting through water, and a bird enjoys soaring through the air--but it cannot but condemn us in our sinful nature and acts! “Is the law, then, against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law.” (Gal.3:21) The Law is righteous, and in our sinful weakness it leads us to the soul-satisfying emancipator of our souls, Jesus Christ, and through Him we find the will, desire, and ability to keep the Law in the power of the Holy Spirit! Through the Grace of God, the Law of God opens for us a field of freedom for the joy and gladness of our souls!

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