Monday, May 5, 2008


Do you know what I find to be a truly awesome thought for today?—That right now, as I write and you read this, Jesus is thinking and speaking into existence all things. I said in my last REFLECTION that our self-importance is the delusion of our own minds in the light of Jesus who can command even the winds and the seas to obey Him. How much more glory does the Son of God reveal in Hebrews 1:3 where we read that He is “upholding all things by the word of His power”. The reason the mountains don’t crumble into microscopic dust right now is because Jesus is upholding the mountains by the word of His power. That is, His power is being communicated through His decree, and he is upholding that which IS. He is upholding stars and moons and black holes. The law of gravity fails apart from the communicable decree of Jesus Christ. Atomic particles do not tear apart from each other and spin randomly off into space because Jesus decrees their adhesion. The reason your flesh does not fall off your bones and return to dust is because Jesus upholds your cells, and tissue, and organs by the power of His Word. The reason Creation has such a marvelous and obvious design and is not a chaotic mess is because…you guessed it—Creation is a testimony of the power and beauty of Jesus creative decree. You would fall apart, your car would fall apart, and the house you’re in would fall apart in the absence of Jesus’ powerful Word. This is an awesome thought! But then this is why a few chapters later in Heb.3:1 we are commanded to “consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest” of the Living God—because He is truly awesome and worthy of our worship and adoration today…and everyday.

1 comment:

Dale Callahan said...

Amen bro,

God's amazing spoken and continued "speaking" power is always something my heart wonders at. One day it dawned on me that God ceased to speak of the do do bird...because this species went into extinction...but obviously God continues to speak of the concept or memory of the species...because we still know of it. Thanks for the encouragement Darren, it is good for us to praise God for His attributes and power that are infinitely higher than ours.