Thursday, May 22, 2008

Jesus Don't Depart!

Sometimes the seemingly insignificant verses in the Bible can have a great effect on the heart. This is certainly true of at least one verse for me . In Matthew 21:12 Jesus came into the great temple of God, and confronted the temple merchants and was confronted by the civil and religious leaders of Jerusalem. A few chapters later we read, “Jesus went out and departed from the temple” (24:1). I can’t help but think how sad an occasion this must have been for so many who were enthralled with the wisdom, grace, charisma, and majesty of Christ the Lord. He left the Temple! There was the euphoria and elation of being in the presence of Him through whom the universe was made; and then for Him to leave just as quickly as He came must have been deflating for many. Jubilation turned quickly to numbness. “Jesus don’t leave”, should have been the cry of their hearts! But it should also be the cry of our hearts. Is it? Is this the cry of your heart today, “Jesus don’t leave me! Jesus stay near to me, and lead me through every trial and temptation, through every valley of the shadow of death, and through every squall and breaker.” “Jesus do not depart from me in my moments of joy and jubilation!” “Be near while I pray, while I think, while I speak, while I drive, while I work, while I love my wife, while I mentor my children, and when I enter Your temple on Sundays may I find You always there!” Let us be earnest in seeking the presence of the Lord in our lives from ‘eyes open’ to ‘eyes closed’. Let us plead together, “May Your rod and staff comfort me today as I‘m enraptured by Your presence!”

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