Thursday, May 15, 2008

All For The Glory Of God...Always!

What is the point of today? What keeps you going each morning and putting your feet on the floor? What motivates you to face another day? The Holy Word of God says, “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”. Do you drive in a way that magnifies the patience of God? Do dress in way that glorifies a pure and holy God? Do you eat with thanksgiving in your heart to the One who causes the bounty of the earth? God created all things to reflect back to Him His infinite glory. He was not lonely or wanting or deficient in any way, but in His fullness overflowed in the mosaic of His manifold perfections that it might echo back to Him the glory due His name! So be an echo of God’s glory today, join in His purpose for you to be the aroma of Christ in all you do, and treasure Him with all your heart!

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