Thursday, May 8, 2008

God's Blueprint For A Home!

A home is a hard place to manage! And where you find the absence of God’s Word in a home you are sure to find the absence of true peace. Why? Because God has set a certain order to how a family must function if there is to be true peace, which one can only learn from His Word. Man has been given the challenging role of leading his home in loving wisdom and servitude, even as Christ came to serve and not be served. While woman created from man, has been called to the dignified role of wisely helping her husband in the family paradigm. I say dignified role because God Himself uses this same Hebrew title of Himself on many occasions in the Old Testament. He is said to be our Helper. So while the husband is given the ultimate responsibility to lead and serve his family his wife is called to help him wisely, humbly, and submissively in the completion of his task. This is neither chauvinistic nor degrading of women. A wife is to be loved and nurtured in dignity by her husband with respect for her unique gifts, talents, and wisdom. She is not called to be a doormat any more than she is called to “rule over her husband”. God has ordained both equality and difference between a husband and wife. They are to “compliment” each other’s God given roles in the home as “one flesh”, while appreciating the distinctions that separate them. And then add to this the complexity of children, and a home is truly a hard place to manage. Children are called by God to honor, respect, and obey their parents in all things in so far as it glorifies God. Where these relationship roles break down or get mixed up a home will lose its peace because it has become divided against itself. Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 12:25 that “any house divided against itself cannot stand.” So how does your home look today? Is it standing or crumbling around you? If it is standing peacefully, thank God for His good grace and wisdom in knowing what is best for you, and for giving you a blueprint for the well-being of your home. If it is crumbling it may be because you have failed to honor the authority of God in your home by failing to live within your God ordained roles as husband, wife, and child? Remember the Psalmist said, “It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man (or should we say, ‘the philosophy of man’!).

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