Friday, May 30, 2008

Delayed Gratification!

Are you familiar with one of the catch phrases of our day, ‘Delayed Gratification’? It means that you live and act now in such a way as to maximize your gratification or happiness in the future. It means the opposite of the phrase, ‘Living For The Moment’. In a very real and sizeable way this is the premise of Christianity. The climax of joy and happiness, for the Christian, will come at the moment of entering the presence of God. Intimate, face-to-face, communion with God is the hope of all of God’s children. So the eminent hope of Christianity is future oriented. Gratification, joy, happiness, and satisfaction will only be FULLY realized in the future. It is why the Apostle John penned, “Do not love the world or the things in the world…for all that is in the world is not of the Father, but is of the world…And the world is passing away and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever!!” (1Jn.2:15-17) The word ‘forever’ is powerful and arrests the conscience and mind. Live now in such a way that you live forever! Discover and live out the will of God now, which will involve pain and persecution, loss and lonliness, for the gratification of living forever-in joy and peace. Yet tragically so many people live only for the moment. And maybe some of you are simply living for that first cup of coffee every morning. This is the distinguished concern of your life, and your daily hope! Take stock of your life; consider the hope you have or don’t have, and consider the hope you might have forever if you would live for the will of God and the eternal joy of His presence!

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