Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Pursuit Of Joy & Happiness

17th Century French Philosopher (& Mathematician), Blaise Pascal, is quoted as saying, “All men (people) seek happiness. This is without exception.” If this is true, which I believe it is, then it is not the pursuit of pleasure that is wrong, but the things that we are pursuing that need to be called into question (you might reference my last blog on the definition of evil). Christianity is not a religion of stoicism, but one of passion and emotion. So where do we find true pleasure and happiness. Not in the white bread of the world. You know, the things that appear fulfilling but have no nutritional value to them!! If you stuff yourself full of white bread all day long you will be very undernourished, but nonetheless full, leaving no room for that which will really satisfy. All around people are looking for pleasure in the form of sex, drugs, fashion, entertainment, hobbies, or possessions, but the Bible says in Psalm 16:11, “In Your (God’s) presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” To be near to God in communion today is to have as much joy as one can possibly imagine for as long as one can possibly think. Don’t be afraid to pursue joy today; just don’t stuff yourself with the white bread of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the blog Darryn! It's great to stay in touch with your preaching this way. The posts bring me right back to some of the great biblical truths shared in your sermons. We pray you and your family are safe and joyous in Teguc!

Clinton and Tara Weening