Friday, June 6, 2008

True Education Vs. Facts And Figures

What is the best way to educate our children? Should we educate our children in a system that ignores the great reality of the universe- namely God? In a system that is void of any true morality, except the morality of tolerance? In a system that ignores any true behavioural discipline? In a system that promotes sexual freedom, and hands out condoms as the cure for STD’s and AIDS? In a system that holds very little accountability over the lifestyles of its teachers who serve as role models and mentors for our children? In a system that teaches scientific hypothesis for fact? In a system that is inherently incapable of dealing with violence, bullying, and suicide? In a system that teaches the Language Arts, but preposterously fails to acknowledge that all communication originates with God, and all languages are of His invention? In a system that teaches that science is observation and study, but is nothing more than religious atheism protected by the state? In a system that teaches history in the absence of the pre-eminent historical event of the incarnation of the Creator? In a system that teaches psychology in the absence of the great Counsellor and His manual? Education has become the medium of the hollow learning of facts and figures devoid of the Great Reality of our humanity. True education is impossible if you separate it from the Origin of all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. You are left with an empty shell of insignificant facts and figures, and isn’t this reflective in those who are being pumped with its propaganda 8 hours a day? True education must be holistic and springboard from its true Origin—“In the beginning God…” (Genesis 1:1)—if we are really going to provide the kind of education our children really need.

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