Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Seek Hard After God!

When the young girl Mary was told by Gabriel, the messenger of God, that she would deliver to the world the Son of God—Jesus, she proclaimed, “My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour” (Luke 1:46). Thankfully we can apprehend the nature and character of God from His Word, though we will never be able to fully comprehend the Being of God until we pass through the portal of this life into the next. But WE CAN comprehend how Mary’s spirit rejoiced in God her Saviour! She rejoiced in the Being of God, in His nature and character as much as she could apprehend Him. And she apprehended Him, as did the Psalmist before her, as a “God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.” (Psm.86:15) This apprehension of God aroused joy in her spirit, as it should ours. Yet in a culture that has been relegating God out of the public forum in ever-increasing measure and restricting Him to the Church, and in a society where the separation of Church and State has become the separation of God and State; people are soullessly drifting with no greater purpose than continuous WANT! But WANT of what? There is no definite secular answer to that question. People are simply wandering, drifting, and separated from their Creator trying to fill that relationship void with “endless want”. Joy is a temporary commodity in our culture today, and has no deep and abiding roots in the life of those who have no apprehension of the One who has made them. So if you truly long for your spirit to rejoice within you, seek hard after God today, to apprehend Him through Jesus Christ in all His goodness and grace. You might start by picking up the Bible.

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