Thursday, June 5, 2008

Discerning Ears!

All of us are looking to get something out of today. Each of us is pursuing something for some reason. But how do you know that your reason for doing anything is right? What or who do you listen to, to know that something is right? What information shapes your person and fuels your decisions. In the days of Jeremiah the prophet, the people of Palestine were doing what they were, based upon bad information and counsel, and the prophet retorted, “Behold you trust in lying words that cannot profit!” (Jer.7:8) But profit we must! Whether through a sunrise, a dollar gained or a dollar given, or a relationship; we are all looking to profit- to increase our joy and satisfaction! Obviously if we are listening to lying words, whether from within or without, we will live a life of deception, which in the end will not profit us at all. So to avoid the tragedy of listening to lying words we need good sensory receivers- we NEED GOOD EARS! In the Bible, wise young Elihu spoke to Job and said, “For the ear tests words as the palate tastes food” (Job 34:3). The palate is the sensory organ in the mouth that lets food down the throat. If it is good it is allowed in, and if it is bad it comes out to the hand and down to the dog! We need ears that function the same way. We need ears to hear the truth and instruction of God. Young Elihu also said, “…God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it…Then He (God) opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction” (Job 33:14,16). May God open your ears to truth today so that you may know that your reason for doing something is right.

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