Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Correct Response To Trials

The people contended...and...the people murmured...So Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, "What shall I do with this people?" (Exodus 17:2-4) If I weren't a son of Adam I would be incomprehensibly astounded at different reactions of the Hebrew people as a nation following their exodus from Egypt. They most certainly were an unspiritual people, prone to complaining, and short in memory. How could they contend and murmur against Moses with such besotted hearts of unbelief in "I AM" (Exodus 3:14)? What am I and Moses missing in the narrative account of this befuddled, ungrateful people? God invented and caused 10 astonishing plagues to afflict the people of Egypt. He brought the Israelites through the Red Sea on dry ground and drowned the army of Egypt. He gave them clean water at Mara (bitterness), rained down daily mana (bread flakes) from heaven, and even through in some quail for a meaty feast. But no sooner are the Hebrews back on the trail to the promised land than they feel parched and...contend with...and murmur against Moses AGAIN! As a Pastor, I feel for Moses. I know his lot in life, and share in his burden, stress, and disillusionment with God's people. It can be nothing short of frustrating and discouraging tryin' to lead God's people. So I want to tell Moses to just cut ties while he still has his sanity--bolt before they stone you (Ex.17:4)--or bail before you go down with the boat. But Moses doesn't do that. This is the most humble man to ever walk on earth (Numbers 12:3) (outside of the God-man Jesus), and he has a lesson for both you and I. No matter that you are not a Pastor or even, directly, a leader of God's people. Whatever the insane trial is that you are facing that is frustrating you to the point of 'quit', let's listen again to what Moses does. "So Moses cried out to the Lord!" (Ex.17:4) Thankyou Moses for saving me from another 'bite of the forbidden fruit'. I was just about to indulge in another dose of self-sufficiency when Moses caught hold of my mind and heart with that word. Let every carnal reaction to the trials and temptaions of life be siffoned through these words, "Moses cried out to the Lord!" He did not cry or sob. He did not make a contingency plan for Israel's future contentions with him. He did not pick up a nice devotional to make him happy. He did not lay down a mat and crack out some yoga moves. He did not run to the Sinai Christian bookstore and buy Joel Osteen's latest book on self-help and how to smile. He did what I and you need to do all the days of our lives to find satisfaction and contentment--"He cried out to the Lord saying, 'What shall I do'?" Lord help me to react like this always...for your glory by your grace!

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