Friday, August 8, 2008

Are You Really Living?

When Jesus lived and walked upon this earth some two thousand years ago he had the Spirit of a prophet and made some very interesting observations about people around Him. He said of many that they were “seeing but not perceiving, and hearing but not understanding”. Of course what He meant was that many people have the ability to see with the eye, but lack the proper judgement to know what they are really looking at. So there are many who are seeing blind people. And there are many with the gift of hearing who cannot understand what they are hearing. So there remains many who are hearing deaf people. The book of Hebrews in the Bible says, “But we SEE Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone.” (Hebrews 2:9) But do you really SEE Jesus? Do you SEE Him as the One through whom all things in heaven and earth have been created? Do you SEE Him as the One who upholds the universe with the power of His Word? Do you SEE Him as God, the beloved and begotten Son? Can you hear? Can you hear the Bible as it proclaims that this same Jesus suffered death that He might taste death for the nations- for every tribe, and tongue, and ethnicity, and people? Jesus tasted death, that we might live! That is He suffered at the hand of God His Father for our sins, that we might be deemed as pure, righteous, and holy. Are you really living today? And can you really taste life? Pray to God that you might SEE, and HEAR, and LIVE.

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