Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Call To God-Honoring Leadership!

Have you ever heard of “the leaf in the wind” syndrome? Wherever the currents of popularity and acceptance are blowing is where you will always find certain people. People whose only stand is to not take a stand. Though Zoologists might still classify these people in the vertebrate group they are in essence imitators of the jellyfish having no backbone. People like this are desperately afraid and conscious of any and all criticism directed their way, and will do almost anything to avoid it. Hmmm. This sounds a lot like many of our politicians doesn’t it? But what is worse is that it is beginning to look a lot like a portrait of many of our religious leaders of today. No longer do we dare call people sinners, sin as sin, or Jesus as the only way, the truth, and the life! The Gospel is no longer the Good News that Jesus Christ died to reconcile us to God, and free us to a holy life and from God’s wrath to come; but has become a pill-popping, pop psychology antidote to all of mankind’s problems. The Gospel has become a call to the “good life” instead of a call to take up the cross with joy. Pastors and preachers know where the currents of popularity and acceptance are blowing just as well as politicians do, and in many circles the Church has diminished into a glitzy business pedaling its “feel good—solve all” product to its consumers who sit on plush comfortable chairs (or recliners if your in an emergent church-lol). But God spoke to the people in Isaiah’s days and said, “For the leaders of this people cause them to err, and those who are led by them are destroyed” (Isa.9:16). If you are a leader consider this indictment, and if you are a follower consider your leaders, whether politically, religiously, or at your place of employment, and keep them accountable or stop following them lest it destroy you.

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